3 Practices for Growing Cannabis Seeds To Get the Best Results

Germinating cannabis seeds is a relatively easy project with a rewarding outcome at the end. The process doesn't require very many materials, and the basic steps are not difficult. Still, even the most experienced growers can benefit from a few tips and tricks to help yield the best results. If you are interested in cultivating cannabis on your own, there are some important steps that you should take to ensure the success of your harvest. Here are three practices to use as you begin growing your cannabis seeds. 

1) Use the right soil. 

The growing medium that you utilize is crucial. Planting your seeds in the wrong soil can cause your crop to fail right away. Your cannabis seeds require ample room to properly grow, so be sure to choose loose and lightweight soil. Additionally, the seeds will thrive in soil that contains sufficient oxygen and drainage capabilities. You should also look for soil that is already fertilized with valuable nutrients. With pre-fertilized soil, you won't need to worry about delivering nutrient-rich food to your plants until they begin to flower. Do not reuse old soil or plain dirt from your backyard, as the presence of harmful contaminants could be quite high in these types of soils. Ideally, an organic potting mix with the addition of perlite (tiny white rocks that condition the soil) is best. 

2) Keep the humidity and moisture at the optimal levels. 

Your cannabis seeds will not fare well in environments that have inaccurate measures of humidity and moisture. It's vital to find just the right range for germinating your seeds. Humidity and moisture levels that are either too high or too low can produce disastrous results. Consequently, the humidity levels should be maintained between 65-70%. You can use a humidity dome in the early stages of the process for better control. Be careful when determining the moisture levels as well. Excessive watering can lead to a lethal fungal disease called damping-off. If that happens and your seedlings become infected, it's nearly impossible to recover them. While you never want to let your medium become too dry, you must also ensure that the seeds get the right amount of water to remain healthy. 

3) Transplant the seeds at the correct time. 

After the seeds have successfully started to germinate, you can move the plants to a bigger growing space. Knowing exactly when to transplant your seeds does require some estimation, but it's important to remember that you don't want to let the seeds germinate longer than necessary. Generally, it's a good time to relocate the plant when the taproot is 1-2 centimeters in length. It may take about 7-10 days for this to occur. If the roots are visibly poking through the soil, then you should begin moving the seeds to a larger pot. Place the seeds in a container that can accommodate the growing roots and water the soil with a spray bottle for the first week or two after transplanting the seeds to prevent too much saturation. 

These best practices will help you grow your cannabis seeds with ease. By keeping these simple tips in mind, your harvest will be well worth your time and effort. 
