Why Long-Term Drug Rehab Programs Remain Most Effective

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one of the most powerful tenants of an effective drug rehab program is that patients remain in treatment for an adequate amount of time. In fact, they go on to iterate that most people need three months, at minimum, of residential treatment and that the best outcomes are the result of longer treatment durations. Addiction is a chronic illness. Like all chronic illnesses, there are no quick fixes or shortcuts to recovery.

Drug addiction recovery is no different. Some people will require numerous treatment periods before experiencing substantive and lasting recovery. This means they may go through one drug rehab program en route to recovery or several.

One Size Fits All Treatment Doesn't Work

One thing we do know for certain is that addiction is not something that offers one simple solution or "cure" that will work for everyone. Each person who struggles with addiction will require a unique approach to treatment and recovery. It is sometimes a trial by fire for patients and the drug treatment centers helping them find their paths to recovery. The best facilities to consider are those that offer a multi-faceted approach to drug rehab.

One that acknowledges that while all patients are on a journey to the same destination, freedom from addiction, there are many different paths patients can take to get there. It is the role of the rehab program to help their patients find the paths that work best for them as individual people seeking treatment.

Why Choose a Long-Term Drug Rehab Program?

There are critical differences between long-term rehab programs, outpatient care, and short-term rehab facilities. Each serves a purpose, but one delivers longer-lasting and more effective results. Outpatient care is sometimes necessary for those who absolutely cannot miss work or must be available to care for children, parents, etc. It is not the most favorable option, but some treatment is always preferable to none.

Short-term treatment programs allow little time to address the family dynamic, co-existing conditions that likely exacerbate substance abuse, skills training, and mental health concerns for patients. These are the types of matters addressed in a long-term drug rehab program that help recovering patients maintain sobriety and return to their former lives without falling back on drugs to get through the day.

Addiction recovery is about much more than simple detoxification. Effective recovery takes time, treatment, and consistent support—the type that is best available in long-term drug addiction recovery programs.
